We have all heard the quote “It takes a village to raise a child” – we believe this couldn’t be more true when it comes to experiencing your ideal birth too! The idea of building a team to support your pregnancy journey might seem like a strange concept, but I assure you it can be the most crucial thing you do as you prepare to have your baby. It is so important you and your partner are surrounded with people that can support, empower and help guide you to the successful birth you desire. My wife and I are expecting our fourth baby and with each pregnancy our experience and birth team have looked a little bit different. From hospital births, to birth centers to home births, we have always been very grateful for the amazing team of people that have surrounded us. So how do you ensure you have the right people supporting you through this journey? There are several things to consider…who do you need to support you through your pregnancy? What does your ideal birth look like? Where do you want to give birth? And last but definitely not least, who will support you through your recovery?
The one constant through each of our four pregnancies has been regular chiropractic care. This might seem odd to some, but, the foundation of a strong healthy pregnancy is a strong healthy body and nervous system (especially because mom and baby share this right now)! I could go on and on about chiropractic, and have before, so for now just trust me! At Experience Wellness Chiropractic we strive to be the central hub for all things birth related – helping to guide you to find the best resources to fit your needs and desires.
After you have your pre-natal chiropractor set and your body on the right track the most important question to help guide you to the right team is,
What does my ideal birth look like?
This is a huge and sometimes very involved question, but it truly matters. Maybe you desire a unmedicated natural/vaginal birth, a vaginal birth with an epidural, a water birth, or maybe you know you will be having a cesarean. Each of these births can be wonderfully supported by different teams, and once you know what you want, you can start to search for the right place to birth your baby. The most important aspect in selecting a birth place is that you feel safe and supported. Your desired birth likely won’t happen if you are under stress, fearful or feel unsupported during labor. Stress creates tension and shuts down your natural instincts. For us, when we first started our journey, the most comforting place was a midwife unit within a hospital setting. There are more options than you might think when choosing where to deliver your baby. The obvious hospital setting is just one of many choices. Something that has become very popular lately are birth centers. There are many locations around the metro and for low risk mothers, birth centers are a much more comfortable, home like atmosphere that have proven to be incredibly safe. Lastly, if a home like atmosphere is what you are looking for, maybe hiring a home birth midwife is right for you.
Once you have decided on a birth place we alway recommend finding a doula to work with and support you throughout and after the birth. I say this to every new mama that comes through our doors, “A great doula is worth her weight in gold!” The role of a doula is to support you in any way that you need. These amazing women have been through it all, and bring a sense of peace and calm to your team. Every doula is different and it is important to find the right person that matches your energy and fits well with your personality. A doula will often meet with you and your partner to help build a birth plan and prepare you for all of the things that you might not know to expect. One of my favorite aspects of doula support is the post partum care. Once the baby is born the journey is just beginning and having a doula in your home for an hour or two to help with nursing support, hold the baby while you shower, or even simply provide emotional support is invaluable. If you didn’t catch my subtle encouragement here, hire a doula! You won’t regret it.
As you build your birth team I encourage you to always ask questions, keep doing your research and don’t forget that your body was made for this. You are strong and you should find a team that makes you feel that way – it takes a village!